Halloween Layouts - How To Select Halloween Layouts For Your Profile - 3

In the first two installments of this series, we found the weight of the layout and color. In the second part we discussed the color of the layout. Looking for more on how to choose the color for the layout of Halloween?

Scariest Halloween Decorations

We found that the monitor settings visitors will decide how the layout display. Some of us hold very bright settings, while others choose a very boring environment. So, what we choose, it is difficult to understand how the viewerfind it. Best is to chose a layout that has a mix of colors. Mono colors layouts do not have a break and look very dull. While multi colored layouts will look more interesting. It also gives us bigger choice in selection of widgets. For example if you select a red colored Halloween Layout, all your widgets must match with red. But if you take a layout that has many colors you can ad d widgets of your choice.

Scariest Halloween Decorations

It is important that despite adding all kinds of widgets the layout and the profile does not look crowded and mismatched. a symmetry must be maintained. The over all look should please the eyes. When you select a layout keep in mind the widgets you will be adding. Some layout designers do not leave area for some widgets. Not every layout has space for adding videos. So when you chose your layout, think about these factors.

So before you decide the layout take into account the factor of weight, color and widgets. It is recommended that you take a tour of other profiles. An observation of these profiles will show you what looks good and what looks bad and how the downloads are taking place. You can also find out about some layouts that you like and go and download them for your use.

Halloween Layouts - How To Select Halloween Layouts For Your Profile - 3
Scariest Halloween Decorations

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